
The easiest way to get HiCPack is through pip using the following command:

sudo pip install hicpack

If you are using a virtualenv, you may want to avoid using sudo:

pip install HiCPack

This should install all the dependencies in addition to the package.

  • Alternatively: install HiCPack from the GitHub source:

You can also get SeqLearner from Github using the following steps: First, clone SeqLearner using git:

git clone

Then, cd to the SeqLearner folder and run the install command:

cd HiCPack
pip install -r requirements
python -q install

On Windows machines you may need to download a C++ compiler if you wish to build from source yourself.


The requirements for SeqLearner can be found in the requirements.txt file in the repository, and include numpy, pandas, tensorflow, keras, gensim, pomegranate, and matplotlib.

  • numpy: The fundamental package for scientific computing.

  • pandas: The library which provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python.

  • matplotlib: a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures